Word Garden Fun
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civil class close cold colleague come corn cow create creosote dare dedication derive do drive east eat ed el end enter enthusiasm enthusiastic est even exit fall far feel find firewood flavor flower follow food fool for forever fur garden get gibberish give glad |
gnomes |
laugh lean learn least Leprechaun lest let library life light live living love low ly -ly mad make man march may maybe me meet member ment met miss moon more much music must my ninja no non north Of art ogre organic on open or |
our out owe p.s. paid park part passion peace pen person pillar pod point poncho poor precious prevail profess put ran raw relax respect ribs ride right root row rub rumble s sad said sane science see selfless shenanigans shine ship sip small since |
sky slippers small smell snap some soul soup south spark spooky story stress strong succeed sun super surprise taste test than thank you thankful the then they thing think this thrive through thus Thyme time tion top travel treat true love turn twist un under us |
visit was we we're weed welcome we'll went west wet who why wide will win wind with without wisdom wish wit woman wood work write y your yum zone |
Please contact stone artist Chris Cleary to donate a stone. The stones in this art installation are his creation. We ask that you avoid proper nouns and choose words that have the potential to work in several ways.